Le objetive de multilingua es oferer a tot le parlantes le posibilite de se expreser desde quelcum lingua origine, le sue propie. Por ese rason, nosotres explike le diferente posiciones de le elementes de un oracion como normalmente aparece en le diferente linguas.
Since the purpose of Multilingua is to offer every speaker the possibility to express themselves in their source language, whatever it may be, we will be explaining the different positions of elements in different languages.
Le orden de le elementes en le oracion es diferente en le linguas subjetive et objetive, como nosotres explike:
(A: actor; V: verbe; O: objet; R: receptor)
As explained here, the order of elements in a sentence varies between subjective and objective languages:
(A: Actor; V: Verb; O: Object; R: Recipient)
AVOR (Jon done livre Pedro / Jone done livre a Pedro)
AVOR (Jon done livre Pedro / Jon done livre a Pedro)
AROV (Jon Pedro libre done)
Linguas AVOR
Linguas AROV
AROV (Jon Pedro libre done)
AVOR languages
AROV languages
Le orden servi par asigner le case or funcion de le elementes de la oracion, quI es le actor, le objet or le receptor. No obstante, es equalmente posible user markes, parce que le markes es used en quelque linguas or par clarifier le significad. Multilingua evite generalmente le redundancie pero cherche faciliter le comprension, et in este case le markes aide a confirmer si have dudes.
→Juan done un livre a Pedro en Paris
→A Pedro Juan done un livre en Paris
En este oraciones, le orden aclare le funciones de Actor, Objet et Receptor sin user markes. No obstante, no es equal:
→Pedro Juan done livre en Paris
En este oracion es necesarie introducir le marke de le dative, parce que le receptor, quI recibi le libre, no es clare. Por ese rason, le mark aide a la comprension.
→A Pedro Juan done livre en Paris
Le hindi et le english antik es ergative.
Le lingua chinese, formed per topic et comentarie, es based supra le misme principies pero con du oraciones.
The order aims to assign the case or function of sentence elements, which determines the roles of the actor, object, and recipient. However, marks can also be used, either because they are used in certain languages or to clarify the meaning. Multilinguale strives to avoid redundancy while facilitating comprehension. In this case, marks help to confirm any uncertainties.
→ Juan gives a book to Pedro in Paris
→ Juan gives Pedro a book in Paris
In these sentences, the order clarifies the roles of the actor, object, and recipient without the need for marks.
However, it is not the same in the following sentence:
→ Pedro Juan gives book in Paris
Here, it is necessary to introduce the dative mark since the recipient, who receives the book, is not clear. Therefore, the mark is helpful for comprehension:
→ To Pedro Juan gives book in Paris
El hindi y el antiguo inglés son ergativos.
La lengua china, formada por topic y comentario, se basa en las mismas premisas pero empleando dos frases.
Le marks de le elementes de le oracion es doned per le posicion de este elementes en le oracion.
The marks of the elements of a sentence are given by the position imposed by the order of the elements.
Examples / Exemples
VO | Simon done un livre a Ana (nom) (acu) (dat) |
VO | A Ana done un livre Emilio (dat) (acu) (nom) |
OV | Simon a Ana un livre done (erg) (dat) (abs) |
OV | A Ana un livre done Simon (dat) (abs) (erg) |
Event – Ente (VO) | Nominative (actor referent) | no marked | |
Acusative (objet no referent) | an (-n) | Opcional | |
Dative | ad (a) | Necesarie | |
Ente – Event (OV) | Ergative (actor no referent) | ak (-k) | Opcional |
Absolutive (objet referent)no | marked | ||
Dative | ad (a) | Necesarie |
Otre maniere de asigner le cases es le proposicion et postposicion. Le siguiente examples se explique.
Expresions or linguas que use preposicion:
Ex.: “cup of coffee” (english) → Taza de cafe
Expresions or linguas que use postposicion:
Ex: “coffee cup” (english) → Cafe taza (cafe-de taza)
Es recomendable que le elemente marked es le elemente que determine (determinante), et no le elemente determined.
Another way to assign cases is through prepositions and postpositions. We explain it in the following examples:
Expressions in languages that use preposition:
Expressions in languages that use postposition:
It is advisable to place the case marker on the determining element (determiner) rather than the determined one.